RUDO Academy's training is based on short courses and skills development training on the areas of microfinance, debt counselling, National Credit Act, Consumer Protection Act, Debt Recovery, Compliance and Regulation. RUDO is accredited by the ETDPSeta and has been granted a debt counselling training licence by the National Credit Regulator (NCR). Our courses are developed based on extensive research and collaboration with business, research and academic institutions. These courses are conducted in the forms of workshops, in-house training and long distance learning.


Where do we operate?

RUDO Academy operates nationally with its main office based in Centurion, Pretoria.  We provide scheduled training in Gauteng, Cape Town and Durban.  We also offer training on request and conduct in-house training as well. Our associates are well versed in all aspects of multiple location training management, and include BE at the University of Pretoria and the University of Walter Sisulu in the Eastern Cape.


Our team

Our team is unique as it is composed of highly qualified, multi-skilled people, with different expertise and experiences in credit and debt management, finance and banking as well as training and development.

 RUDO Academy employs four full time staff and six facilitators, four assessors and two moderators. We pride ourselves with partnerships we have with BE @ University of Pretoria and the Walter Sisulu University. 

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